Counselling for Eco-Anxiety
"Don't ever apologise for crying for the trees burning in the Amazon or over the waters polluted from mines in the Rockies. Don't apologise for the sorrow, grief or rage you feel. It is a measure of your humanity and your maturity. It is a measure of your open heart, and as your heart breaks open there will be room for the world to heal."
Joanna Macy

I am really passionate about the importance of community and compassionate listening in these very unique times. Never before in history have we been faced with so much to lose or so much to gain (if we, as a society, just face our fear and grief and adapt to what needs to be done).
Sadly, the mental health world hasn't quite caught up. Many therapists themselves are uncomfortable with the topic or in denial. Eco-anxiety and climate grief are all too often pathologised and viewed as client catastrophisation rather than a normal and healthy reaction to a huge, existential threat.
I am not one of those therapists.
If you're scared, angry, numb or feeling isolated I will listen without pathologising. I will walk alongside you, witnessing what you witness without letting my own fear censor you. If you're an activist (small-scale such as making individual changes in your life or large-scale such as being a member of 'sit-in' protests), I will honour your sacrifices and listen to you so that we can try to minimise the chances of compassion fatigue and burnout. We can look at tools and psycho-education to help to develop a toolkit for resilience and nurturing what Joanna Macy calls 'Active Hope', or you may just need a space to unpack and unravel your thoughts and feelings.
Either way, I'd love to see if I can help. Reach out for a free, no obligation 20 minute consultation by filling out the contact form below.
Book a free consultation
If you would like a free 20 minute online consultation, please send me an email at amymaywellbeing@gmail.com or click here to book a consultation at a time that suits you.